
Team Strudel Haus

Full-stack application that facilitates online fundraising sales, tracks detailed fundraising sales data, and streamlines the entire fundraising process. There will be three types of users who interact with this application: Administrator, Organization Leader, and Customer. The Administrator (Thomas Ruhland) will be able to create and manage organizations, fundraising campaigns and strudel products, and will be able to view their current production pipeline based on campaign dates. An Organization leader will be able to manage all orders for each campaign tied to their organization, as well as access current sales data for each campaign. Finally, a Customer will be able to purchase strudels via our fundraising sales portal (driven by Square).

Travel Tracker

This app allows the user to upload a .GPX file taken from their own personal GPS device and visualize the paths that they have taken on a map. They will also be able to upload a .GPX file containing Waypoints or Points of Interest and those will also have a visual representation on the same map.

Pet Hotel

This application will give the user the ability to create new clients and then tie those clients to each of their pets that are staying at the hotel as new enteries into the system.

Recollection of Experience

Recollection of Experience app will allow the user to post about an exciting moment in time, and then look back on a later date all the past events that they have posted.

More To Come

In pursuit of new experiences.

“A moment's insight is sometimes worth a life's experience.”